3 Results of Medical Tests

I had telephoned my GP in Maidstone about my concerns and he said to contact him straight away when I returned to England. On Monday, 25th May I telephoned the doctor and was told to come to the surgery straight away. Less than forty-five minutes later I was at the surgery having blood samples taken: good old NHS!

By 6th June (yes, a Saturday) I was having a CTC scan at the local hospital’s oncology department. There then followed two MRI scans and a biopsy and I was finally informed on 11th August that I had an aggressive prostate cancer.

However, in the midst of all these tests I had returned to the initial manuscript of the “book” that I had written in France and, to keep me occupied, proceeded to tidy it up. It certainly took my mind off the prospects of cancer and having got as far as a final draft by the beginning of July I then printed the manuscript and sent it to Austin Macauley Publishers. As a previously unpublished author I had no great expectations, but it seemed worth seeing what might transpire.

To my great pleasure and surprise before the end of July I received a letter from a Submissions Assistant at Austin Macauley stating;

I will arrange for our Board of Editors to review your writing. They will be assessing the suitability of your text for publication….Please be aware that this process can take up to six weeks. ….Additionally, we have scanned/saved your manuscript and added it to your file, therefore please find enclosed your hard copy manuscript. We appreciate your patience at this time.

I then heard no more; not a dickybird, zilch, zero, nul.

Months passed by and I eventually gave up hope. I was short of space in my filing cabinet and so decided it wasn’t to be and eventually ditched my hard copy.

Nevertheless I had enjoyed the experience, the distraction at a difficult time and the fond memories of “my France” that had been rekindled.

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